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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Good morning,
My beloved friend from Informatika class,  and our beloved college tacher, from STMIK Primakara
Before I start the speech, Let us give praise to God because has given an opportunity for us to meet on this beautiful day.

As we know, our country, Indonesia, has a diverse culture. because our diverse cultures,  lot of foreign tourists who are interested with the culture we have. however,  many of our generation now have been leave the culture that has been passed on. many of our generation prefers foreign cultures than Indonesian culture itself, example K-POP and J-POP, and other foreign culture. is sad, because the generation that should be able to build a nation through culture possessed instead prefer foreign culture.
 Dear friend, as a good generation, we must still keep the culture that we have from extinction, we be allowed follow a foreign culture, but should not be excessive, and not to forget and leave the culture that we have. we should care about the culture that we have, we must respect all cultures we have. because we should be proud to be part of the next generation of Indonesia.

Finally,  I would like to conclude that one point we should know is that the culture is very important for a nation, we as the next generation must continue to keep the culture of this nation from thieves who tried to claim our culture.
That’s all my speech about the Culture, I hope God always bless us and this beloved country,

Thank you..


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